Morning After Pill

Emergency Hormonal Contraception

Emergency Contraception

Sometimes things happen we don’t plan for, but in the case of unprotected sexual intercourse (UPSI) your community pharmacy is their to help out. The Pharmacist is not their to pass comment or dwell on issues relating to you.

So, don’t feel alone or guilty. Many pharmacies have accredited Pharmacists working there that can supply the morning after pill. If this happens to you, and you don’t know where the nearest pharmacy is, simply use your smart phone or get on line at home or a high street venue such as internet cafe or the library. Google is pretty clever and will show local results first. If your on a smart phone make sure your locations settings is switched on.

Use relevant search terms like EHC, emergency contraception or the morning after pill plus a location like Nottingham. There are many venues that will supply it, but they have different open times and certain days of operation. This is where community pharmacies can make access to this service far more easy. The local authority should have a list of chemists that provide the service in your area. Call them to make sure the right Pharmacist is on duty, then just drop in. The service mentioned here is overseen by the NHS. Not all pharmacies participate. So ask before you visit. Alternatively all pharmacies are allowed to sell an over the counter version call Levonelle One Step which has to be paid for and you take it away with you without the longer consultation.

You should not be too long, no more than 15 minutes. Its something easily done at lunch time.

The emergency contraception works better the sooner you take it and the licence on the tablet is 3 days (72 HOURS) after (UPSI). The contraception supplied at the pharmacy is levonorgestrel which is based on a hormone present in the body called progesterone.

Some points to consider, it is not 100% effective for various reasons, these will be discussed with you. Things the Pharmacist has to take into account is where you are in your cycle, is this the only episode of unprotected sex this cycle, how long since (UPSI), are you already taking contraceptive pills and missed some. do you take certain medications from your doctor, your age and are you breast feeding or recently given birth.

Sometimes you will need to be seen by another healthcare provider to give a different pill call EllaOne, that contains Ulipristal.

Your chemist will give you the contact details and explain why you have been referred.

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